Lisa Harris
Lisa Harris - General Manager
With over 20 years of experience; having worked extensively with destination management companies, conference management organizations, incentive houses and hotels, Lisa is recognized as a top events industry professional within Western Canada. Known for her sharp ability to identify and satisfy client objectives, logistical expertise, deft organizational ability and judicious budget management skills, Lisa has successfully led teams in orchestrating many comprehensive programs at up to $15 million per operating year, with a range of individual program budgets, some in excess of $1.5M, and groups of 20 to 4,000 individuals. As General Manager Lisa helps shape the vision of Rare Indigo, oversees all client projects and manages the overall workflow and practices of the company. A resource and support to all members of the company, she works to ensure team and individual success and advocates for meaningful and authentic program experiences.
When Lisa is not providing support wherever it is needed and advocating for productive change, you can find her building her soccer wisdom pitch-side at her son’s games.
Favorite Western Canada experience: Skiing pristine powder in our local mountains